W1U 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 1 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 1 Postcodes (Active). W1U 1 postcode sector comprises of 131 active postcodes. W1U 1 sector has a population of 293, and it has 177 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 1 postcode sector

W1U 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 293
Addresses / Property Count 177
Active Postcodes 131
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 131 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 1AT 51.51513400 -0.15215700 N/A N/A 528317 181197
W1U 1AU 51.51618400 -0.14811900 N/A N/A 528594 181321
W1U 1AX 51.51526100 -0.15004400 1 1 528463 181215
W1U 1AY 51.51521200 -0.15034900 N/A N/A 528442 181209
W1U 1AZ 51.51507900 -0.15103200 8 12 528395 181193
W1U 1BB 51.51470300 -0.15117700 16 22 528386 181151
W1U 1BD 51.51493300 -0.15036000 N/A N/A 528442 181178
W1U 1BE 51.51493200 -0.15027400 3 4 528448 181178
W1U 1BF 51.51496600 -0.15018600 N/A N/A 528454 181182
W1U 1BG 51.51524800 -0.14981400 N/A N/A 528479 181214
W1U 1BH 51.51550400 -0.15121600 8 16 528381 181240
W1U 1BL 51.51545500 -0.15150700 12 18 528361 181234
W1U 1BN 51.51535800 -0.15164000 1 1 528352 181223
W1U 1BP 51.51523300 -0.15109800 N/A N/A 528390 181210
W1U 1BQ 51.51599200 -0.15018800 N/A N/A 528451 181296
W1U 1BS 51.51529300 -0.15095100 7 12 528400 181217
W1U 1BT 51.51585400 -0.14999100 19 38 528465 181281
W1U 1BU 51.51470300 -0.15117700 26 41 528386 181151
W1U 1BW 51.51521000 -0.15137200 12 21 528371 181207
W1U 1BZ 51.51618400 -0.14811900 N/A N/A 528594 181321
W1U 1DB 51.51587800 -0.14967700 N/A N/A 528487 181284
W1U 1DF 51.51487600 -0.14892500 N/A N/A 528542 181174
W1U 1DH 51.51511200 -0.15087200 N/A N/A 528406 181197
W1U 1DJ 51.51551500 -0.15176700 N/A N/A 528343 181240
W1U 1DL 51.51578700 -0.15132400 N/A N/A 528373 181271
W1U 1DQ 51.51562200 -0.15183100 N/A N/A 528338 181252
W1U 1DR 51.51460500 -0.15066200 N/A N/A 528422 181141
W1U 1DS 51.51511200 -0.15087200 N/A N/A 528406 181197
W1U 1DT 51.51511200 -0.15087200 N/A N/A 528406 181197
W1U 1DX 51.51521100 -0.15089700 4 5 528404 181208
W1U 1DY 51.51526700 -0.15086900 5 6 528406 181214
W1U 1DZ 51.51530100 -0.15089300 N/A N/A 528404 181218
W1U 1EA 51.51551000 -0.15098500 N/A N/A 528397 181241
W1U 1EB 51.51570900 -0.15109300 6 11 528389 181263
W1U 1ED 51.51453700 -0.15022200 N/A N/A 528453 181134
W1U 1EE 51.51448100 -0.15022000 N/A N/A 528453 181128
W1U 1EF 51.51469800 -0.15028300 N/A N/A 528448 181152
W1U 1EG 51.51473400 -0.15029600 N/A N/A 528447 181156
W1U 1EH 51.51482500 -0.15033600 1 2 528444 181166
W1U 1EJ 51.51486100 -0.15036300 2 2 528442 181170
W1U 1EL 51.51490800 -0.15044800 1 1 528436 181175
W1U 1EN 51.51514300 -0.15052500 N/A N/A 528430 181201
W1U 1EP 51.51527800 -0.15057700 1 2 528426 181216
W1U 1EQ 51.51473400 -0.15029600 N/A N/A 528447 181156
W1U 1ER 51.51531400 -0.15059000 N/A N/A 528425 181220
W1U 1ES 51.51536900 -0.15060200 N/A N/A 528424 181226
W1U 1ET 51.51540500 -0.15062900 N/A N/A 528422 181230
W1U 1EU 51.51545900 -0.15064200 1 1 528421 181236
W1U 1EW 51.51518700 -0.15052300 1 1 528430 181206
W1U 1EX 51.51550500 -0.15066900 N/A N/A 528419 181241
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